Friday, December 31, 2010

New years!

5 X 30 Kettlebell swings!

That is four days consecutively. Oh boy.

Calories in: 2465
Calories out: 3438

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Good work out day

Went to fight practice tonight. Pushed pretty hard without causing a problem.
And! Still did 3 sets of kettlebells! Feel good.

Calories in: 1317
Calories burned: 3575

Need to eat more. Got too busy for lunch.

Kettle Bells and the new year

Once more into the breach!

Got a pair of small kettlebells for Christmas! Yay!

Oh wait. That means I'm back on the bandwagon again. Oh, that means pain and soreness, guilt, being cognizant of what I'm stuffing into my face.

Why does it have to be that way?

Well, Self, if you must know, it is because you are a slacker. You've never had to work at anything to be good at it. You were lucky and cursed at the same time. The good lord gave you a heaping dollop of natural abilities and you screwed them away by never trying to excel at anything.

Well, bub, I've got news for you. You're 40 now. You can't keep up with the young fighters much longer like this. Hell, you probably won't be able to keep up with your Son for much more than another year before he can kick your ass at whatever he wants.

So. No more excuses, no more laziness. You want to live and have a great life with your Grand-kids and Great-Grandkids? You best stick with it. That's it. Nothing earthshaking, nothing spectacular, just regular small efforts every single damn day.

Surprise, that's all it has ever taken for peole to achieve great things. Small things done daily.
